What do you get when someone who teaches the history of American involvement in Vietnam also served in that war? Sometimes you get reminiscence. Sometimes you get didactic rants about “imperialism.” Sometimes you get personal war stories of derring-do, fanciful to varying degrees. But with Joe Dunn, the Charles A.... read more →
Tommy Cockrell didn’t set out to serve with the Army engineers in Vietnam. His training was in combat infantry. But when he arrived in-country, that’s where they sent him. So it was that he found himself driving – often alone – up and down the perilous roads of I Corps,... read more →
On Saturday, October 28, the S.C. Confederate Relic Room & Military Museum will again host the South Carolina Military Miniature Society’s Annual Toy Soldier Show. This is the SCMMS’ 32nd annual show, and the Relic Room’s second time as a venue for the event. Having hosted last year, we now... read more →
We’ve told you again and again that the new Vietnam exhibit at the South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum is something special. Now we have official affirmation of that viewpoint from the South Carolina Federation of Museums. Last month, the federation gave the Relic Room its Award of... read more →
Sometimes, the audience that shows up for a Lunch & Learn program at the South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum in Columbia is as interesting as the program. On Sept. 15, the museum observed National POW/MIA Recognition Day with a special program. Our former curator of history, Fritz... read more →
On a wall just as you leave the Relic Room’s new Vietnam exhibit, you’ll see something you might not fully understand at once: a work of art – part painting, part collage – that reflects the personal experiences of an artist who served in the war. You’d understand it better... read more →
On Friday, Sept. 15, the United States will observe National POW/MIA Recognition Day to honor Americans who were either prisoners of war or went missing in action, particularly during the Vietnam War. POWs and the missing will be the focus of a special program that day at noon at the... read more →
When Peyton Wooldridge graduated from Mary Baldwin College in 1968, she had a job teaching 3rd grade waiting for her. But a letter from her school friend Caroline in Vietnam persuaded her to take a different course: “Peyton, you've got to come. It will change your life,” Caroline wrote. Caroline... read more →
Have you ever seen photographs of Revolutionary War soldiers? Well, you can do just that at the South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum starting Friday, June 30, when a new exhibit opens featuring an extraordinary collection of daguerreotypes. And... read more →
In some parts of Vietnam, the Viet Cong lived for months at a time under the Earth, in elaborate tunnel systems so sophisticated that they included hospitals, training areas, and storage facilities as well as barracks. But from the surface, they just looked like holes in the dirt that only... read more →